Escape From B-Movie Hell

OK, so you’ve discovered you’re telepathic and that your best friend is really a giant space lobster. On the up side, at least nothing else can go wrong … or can it?

Escape From B-Movie Hell

First contact, in films, was never like this …

If you asked Andi Turbot whether she had anything in common with Flash Gordon she’d say no, emphatically. Saving the world is for dynamic, go-ahead, leaders of men and while it would be nice to see a woman getting involved for a change, she believes she could be the least well-equipped being in her galaxy for the job.

Then her best friend, Eric, reveals that he is an extraterrestrial. He’s not just any ET either. He’s Gamalian: seven-foot, lobster-shaped and covered in Marmite-scented goo. Just when Andi’s getting used to that he tells her about the Apocalypse and really ruins her day.

The human race will perish unless Eric’s Gamalian superiors step in. Abducted and trapped on an alien ship, Andi must convince the Gamalians her world is worth saving. Or escape from their clutches and save it herself.


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Independent reviewers say

This is a funny story, full of great characters, even though most of them wade through marmite scented goo and have a tendency to clack their pincers at you. There’s serious stuff at the bottom of it but it’s taken lightly and, although it’s a long book, trust me, it flies past. I love this and would enjoy more or similar.’ – Ignite – Amazon top 500 Reviewer

Welcome to Escape from ‘B’ movie Hell ! I honestly expected something worthy of the ‘Golden Turkey’ awards! What I actually found was a well written, funny and riveting read. I was so enthralled in the action that I read the whole book in one sitting! MT McGuire’s style reminds me of Harry Harrison’s unique comic style, as in the Stainless Steel Rat series. However, the pace of the action found me holding my breath at times and the humour kept me chuckling during the early hours of the morning.’ – Amazon Reviewer


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